Chongwoon Choi

b. South Korea

‘This is Orchestra’ by Chongwoon Choi is a combination of contemporary art, classical music, and coding technology.
The artist introduces the structure of orchestra to the contemporary society. The role of the music conductor in the orchestra is the most important character. Depending on their command, various instruments produce harmonious and beautiful melodies.
‘This is Orchestra’ enables audience to vicariously experience being a music conductor who controls the music from beginning till the end. A motor, an electronic device and everyday objects, such as chairs, operates each instrument installed in the exhibition space. The audiences are no longer observers in ‘This is Orchestra’. They embody the main character, who experiences a new role through this piece of interactive artwork.
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This Is Orchestra - Musician #2

Mixed media, 132 x 90 x 70 cm

This Is Orchestra - Musician #1

Mixed media, 134 x 80 x 70 cm

This Is Orchestra - Musician #12

Mixed media, 170 x 80 x 30 cm

This Is Orchestra - Musician #10

Mixed media, 255 x 80 x 30 cm

This Is Hot - Original

Copper, 20 x 140 x 8cm
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