Luh’De Gita

b. 1997, Indonesia

Luh’De is a female emerging artist that often employs bold colours and compositions in a juxtaposition manner. She majored in Fine Arts at the Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia, and works primarily with oils.
Her process begins by drawing from her memories and choosing which to retrieve and vividly recall, and in effect, which to forget. Then, with these ‘ideal memories’, she creates the projected, manipulated visions of parallel worlds inhabited by fictional characters.
Incorporating her identity as a Balinese, she admits that while the ubiquitous exoticising of Bali triggers a sense of unease in her, she simultaneously does not want to detach herself completely from her home—choosing instead to borrow ideas of the ‘paradise’ it provides, and make it her own. Pictures of her home, places that she’s been and her games are all the very subjects of her paintings.
“Painting makes me understand myself more, that maybe I desire control over things that I cannot control, blurring the realities between the one we live in and the tempting-limitless world of cyberspace. And I find peace by being in between that.
The white spaces in my paintings are simply the interlude like in music albums – a transitional moment to catch a breath from what’s going on visually; a language of balancing things. The idea of the past, present, future and other realities has become my number one interest.” – Luh’De
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Where's My Summer #2

Oil on Canvas, 70 x 120 cm

Titik Dua

Oil on canvas, 115 x 200 cm

What I Wish Beyond My Kitchen

Oil on canvas, 108 x 180 cm

Canggu Reimagine

Oil on canvas, 170 x 120 cm

Paradiso #6

Oil on Canvas, 120 x 170 cm

Paradiso #5

Oil on Canvas, 120 x 170 cm

Paradiso #2 - Boys in Canggu

Oil on Canvas, 127.5 x 170 cm

You See, I Studied Art I Love Basquiat

Oil on Canvas, 100 x 150 cm
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