Sang Taek Oh
b. 1970, South Korea
SANG TAEK OH who has delivered affirmative messages in photography through his gradually progressed series of works. He studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (B.F.A)and San Francisco Art Institute in the United States(M.F.A). He currently lives and works in Seoul, Korea. The works of Sang-Taek Oh contemplates the fundamental issues of our present lives leading us to the inevitable question of the fact that we are struggling every day in the co-existing world of joy and sorrow, or sense and nonsense. City Romance, an extension of his first series: Process, speaks for the ideal space where we may not have a chance to reach once in a lifetime being. His mystic scenes of anonymous figures in spectacular landscape evoke the compelling moment and unavoidable fear at the same time.
The works of Sang-Taek Oh has been exhibited extensively in Korea and worldwide including China, US, and Canada. He became a recipient of an artist residency at National art studio, Goyang and Seoul City Art Studio, Nanji which would be the most prestigious residency program in Korea. Also, he was awarded from the renowned foundations and museums in Korea, such as SEMA(Seoul Museum of Art) Awards 2010, with establishing his collections in Korea’s major museums: National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul Museum of Art, Museum of Art Seoul National University.